Lincoln Cathedral Connected
The project will deliver a new building housing exhibition space, learning facilities and visitor welcome, and will also convert an Old Deanery building into a café and community space.
St Albans Cathedral: Alban Britain’s First Saint
This NLHF project has seen the construction of a new Welcome Centre which will become an exciting activity hub for the Cathedral, and the renovation of the Chapter House.
The Charleston Trust: Centenary Project
Charleston house is a remote Sussex Farmhouse that in 1916 became the home of artists Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant and the country retreat of the pioneering Bloomsbury group.
Thackray Medical Museum: A Healthy Future for Thackray
The Healthy Future for Thackray project will provide new exhibitions and will carry out essential repairs and improvements to the building.
The Whitworth Art Gallery: 21st Century Gallery in the Park
The project provided a high profile new build extension and internal refurbishment of the Grade II listed gallery in Manchester.
St George's Hall, Bradford
St George's Concert Hall in Bradford is the oldest purpose-built concert hall in Britain and the third oldest in Europe. The project will restore and improve the existing theatre, and is funded by both the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.
Silverstone Motor Circuit: Silverstone Heritage Live
The project is to create a new build heritage hub at Silverstone, including archive, a temporary gallery and site wide heritage trail.
Upminster Windmill: Restoration of Upminster Windmill Heritage Site
Restoration of the Upminster Windmill Heritage Site, the project includes a new education centre.
Crawley Museum: Revealing the Tree
This project involved the renovation and restoration of a Grade II listed building, and includes a new extension providing more space and facilities.
Quarr Abbey: The Two Abbeys
Restoration of a Scheduled Ancient Monument, including structural stabilisation to the Abbey Church and the complete renovation and refurbishment of listed derelict buildings into a new Visitor Centre.
Arundel Museum
Arundel Museum located in West Sussex comprising of a single storey, low energy and low maintenance building of contemporary design. The project was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
The Holburne Museum of Art
A National Lottery Heritage Funded project that restored and refurbished the Grade I Listed museum, including a new build three-storey contemporary extension that provided new gallery spaces, education and community facilities.
Lewes Priory: Priory of St Pancras
The restoration of a Scheduled Ancient Monument including new visitor access and full reinterpretation and display of the site.
Bexhill Museum
A part new build part renovation museum of contemporary design, linked to the existing historical museum and amalgamating three local museums.
Towner Art Gallery
A new build 3 storey concrete framed building, located in Eastbourne (East Sussex). The new building provided a new gallery, gallery store, conference facilities, archiving space, retail and catering facilities.
De La Warr Pavilion
The restoration and refurbishment of a Grade I listed modernist building. The project created new gallery spaces, restaurants, bars and offices and a performance/ learning space.
Lewes Castle
A National Lottery Heritage funded project, which included restoration and refurbishment of a Scheduled Ancient Monument and Grade II* listed building.
Brighton Museum & Art Gallery
The restoration and refurbishment of the Grade I listed museum building including the upgrade and fitting out of 13 new gallery spaces and IT facilities together with the creation of a new standalone external Education pavilion.