Lincoln Cathedral Connected

Lincoln Cathedral Connected

  • Clients:

    Lincoln Chapter

  • Locations:

    Lincoln, Lincolnshire

  • Project Value:

    £18 Million

  • Programme:


  • Architects:

    Simpson & Brown - New Build Architects

    Buttress - Conservation Architects

  • Cragg Duties:

    Project Managers

    Contract Administrator

    M&E Quantity Surveyor

    Interpretation Quantity Surveyor

    Management & Maintenance Plan

  • Procurement:

    JCT Traditional

  • Photos by Lincoln Cathedral and Cragg Management

Project Details:

Lincoln Cathedral is a Grade I Listed Building, situated in a Conservation Area and a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

The project will deliver a new building, housing exhibition space, learning facilities and visitor welcome, and convert an Old Deanery building into a café and community space.

A new public landscape will unify the external space, and a new lighting scheme will enhance the Cathedral as a beacon and landmark. Conservation works will restore the Gallery of Kings on the west front and the Romanesque frieze, both pieces of international significance. The works will be underpinned by a comprehensive activity and exhibition programme.

CM worked closely with the client team on the successful National Lottery Heritage Fund Round one and Round 2 applications. CM led the procurement of the consultant team of 15 individual practices, including both conservation and new build architects, landscape designer and lighting designer. CM have actively integrated the design work with the supporting work on activities, business planning and conservation planning.


  • The National Lottery Heritage Fund